Anne and Bruno: 17 Years of Dedicated Volunteering

Our family of volunteers at Hearing Dogs for Deaf People are known for their loyalty; none more so than Anne and Bruno von Janowski.
This super couple from Cambridge have been volunteering for an exceptional 17 years, initially as volunteer puppy trainers looking after dogs like Poppy, Yala, Nemo and Chance, and then as members of the Cambridge Fundraising Branch where Anne is currently Branch Organiser.
Gill Yeates, Head of Community Fundraising and Events, says:
“Anne and Bruno are lovely volunteers. I first got to know them 15 years ago when they came along to a meeting I was holding in Cambridge to form the Cambridge Branch of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. Just a couple of years later, Anne, kindly stepped forward to take on the role of Branch Organiser when the previous holder of that role retired.”
Since then, Anne, with the constant support of husband Bruno, has led the group with quiet efficiency ensuring volunteers are well informed and that suitable event venues are booked.
These are just two examples of what diligently goes on behind the scenes; “There’s so much more to managing a fundraising group than just turning up on the day!” asserts Gill.
Good organisational and communication skills are essential, as well as being supportive and empathetic to others. Anne and Bruno achieve this, without fuss, ensuring that not only the events run smoothly, but that everyone involved is okay, and feels valued and included.
Quietly, not wanting to draw any attention to their hard work, they have massively contributed to the success of the Branch which has raised over £50,000 since 2010!
Branch member and fellow volunteer Pam Harper says:
“Anne is a lovely gentle lady who shies of being praised for her unstinting work in arranging the events, rallying the troops, selling merchandise, as well as keeping the rest of us on the committee, and all the Branch’s volunteers, informed and encouraged.
I’ve always been impressed by Anne’s communication skills ensuring that everyone knows what is going on, plus conscientious follow-ups on events with an outcome and a thank you to all who took part. Even the dogs who come along are thanked by name!
Anne and Bruno put in so much work behind the scenes, never expecting any praise. It’s those, like them, that work tirelessly in the background that make Hearing Dogs for Deaf People such a great organisation.”
Anne and Bruno’s unwavering commitment means they always step in to cover centrally organised events when others aren’t available, generously giving their time to store collections without hesitation.
In addition to corporate partner bucket collections, Anne has organised countless stalls and events to raise money and awareness of Hearing Dogs in garden centres, Newmarket and Huntingdon racecourses, Milton Country Park and Graham Water to name but a few.
Branch member volunteer, Peter Clarkson, adds:
“Anne is constantly there, stepping up to organise local events. She has been the efficient Organiser of the group for so many years now - I recall first meeting her many moons ago when she was collecting for Hearing Dogs on Parker's Piece in Cambridge wearing a dalmatian suit! At many of these events, Bruno is usually there to support her, either in the background, on the stall or wherever he is needed. They are both delightful people with whom to work.”
Rachel agrees wholeheartedly:
“Anne is such a joy to work with - diligent, encouraging, patient and kind. Bruno supports Anne in her role and gets involved in pretty much all the events the Branch undertake. Thanks to them, the Cambridge Branch has been able to be as self-sufficient as possible with their activities, attracting the support of other fundraising volunteers, volunteer puppy trainers and partnerships from a much wider area; not least because Anne is so well organised and such a good communicator.”
Though the limelight is the last thing this understated couple seek, it would be remiss not to publicly recognise the sterling efforts of these stalwart volunteers and express our gratitude for their achievements and long service since 2007.
They have jointly become the linchpins of Hearing Dogs’ Cambridge Fundraising Branch, with Anne’s low key, modest style of leadership being exceptionally highly regarded by all.
In fact, the esteem in which Anne and Bruno are held by their fellow volunteers is testament to their good hearts and how they live up to our charity values of kindness, courage and professionalism. The warmth and inclusivity of the Branch also speaks volumes as to how all its members are committed to our mission of training highly skilled hearing dogs - and providing personalised hearing support services - because nobody with deafness should feel alone.
Written by Victoria Leedham, Head of Volunteering at Hearing Dogs for Deaf People.