For organisations

Find your next volunteer today!

Your community organisation wants to make a difference. Volunteer Cambs gives you the tools to recruit helpers, promote your community organisation and maintain your volunteer pool.

Get started in 4 easy steps

Create an account

Start by creating an account

Register your organisation

Once you have an account, you can create an organisation page

Publish opportunities

Add a volunteering opportunity and find volunteers in no time!

Contact volunteers

Find volunteers with interests that match your opportunities through our volunteer pool

Using Volunteer Cambs

Need some help in using the site, we have a range of support designed to help you out.

On Demand Support

Help articles and videos to support you with using Volunteer Cambs.

Live Networks and Training

Opportunities to meet and learn with other volunteer involving organisations.
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Keep in contact!

Get information about volunteering and best practise straight to your inbox

Support Cambridgeshire, the partnership behind Volunteer Cambs, emails out information which all organisations can find useful. This includes updates on events that support you in using the system, how to increase your funding, and much more.

To get updates straight to your inbox, remember to sign up to receive emails.