Greenspaces and gardening volunteer

Greenspaces and gardening volunteer

Organisation role · Flexible hours
Barnwell, Cambridge CB5 8PF, UK
Community & familyEducationNature & sustainability

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Abbey People
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Help care for our greenspaces and wildlife in Abbey. Meet people in your community and help with various gardening and maintenance tasks throughout the year.

Detailed description

What is this role all about?

Helping with general gardening and maintenance activities at the greenspaces across the Abbey Ward of Cambridge.

The greenspaces will include, but are not limited to, a new community garden on Rayson Way and biodiverse space on Barnwell Verge, Coldham’s Brook, Margaret Wright Community Orchard, and Whitehill Community Allotment.

Whether you want to learn new gardening skills, or want to spend more time out in nature – this opportunity could be perfect for you.

By getting involved, you can…

  • Learn more about wildlife and nature in your local area
  • Become part of friendly team
  • Look after your wellbeing by spending time outside with nature
  • Use your practical skills and learn new gardening skills
  • Help maintain and care for greenspaces that are in a key wildlife corridor in the Local Nature Recovery Plan identified by Cambridge Nature Network

What skills do I need?

No gardening experience is needed, just the willingness to learn and participate in physical tasks.

Is there any training or support available?

Session Leads will provide guidance and support on safe use of tools, and give instructions on how to carry out the different tasks.

What else do I need to know?

Please dress appropriately for the weather, we suggest wearing comfortable sturdy shoes and clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty. Bring a water bottle and a hat if it’s sunny 🌞

Getting there

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About Abbey People

We are a vibrant community charity in the Abbey Ward of Cambridge, improving the lives and wellbeing of Abbey residents. We do this through targeted community projects, provision of general support such as a community Food Hub, supporting access to education and employment, projects to improve the environment, and by developing a culture of volunteering in the community.