Charity Shop Assistant - Cottenham

Charity Shop Assistant - Cottenham

Task · 2–4 hrs
230 High Street, Cottenham, Cambridge, CB24 8RZ, United Kingdom
Community & familyOlder peopleNature & sustainability

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Arthur Rank Hospice Charity
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Assisting the shop manager with providing a warm and welcoming atmosphere in the shop. This may involve serving customers, sorting donations or pricing stock.

Detailed description

Our Cottenham charity shop can be found at the heart of the Cottenham community on the high street. Cottenham is a beautiful place with a close knit community and our shop is a wonderful space to volunteer and get to meet others in the area.

We ask for a commitment of around 4 hours weekly or fortnightly, but are always keen to hear from you if you need greater flexibility . Our Charity shops are the perfect place to meet people from your area and learn new skills - or utilise your existing experience!

Whilst volunteering you may support with:

  • Sorting donations
  • Steaming items for display using our special steamer
  • Pricing stock
  • Managing the till area and greeting customers
  • Dressing the window
  • Placing the stock on the shop floor

This is a varied role and can be tailored to suit you and your experience. Whether you're a people person or you prefer to be behind the scenes, there's something for everyone!

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs

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About Arthur Rank Hospice Charity

Supporting people in Cambridgeshire living with an advanced serious illness or other life-limiting condition. We provide multiple services for patients and their loved ones free of charge.