Become a Host Family

Become a Host Family

Project role (Temporary) · Flexible hours · Starting from 22 Apr
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom

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Applications Closed You can find other volunteering opportunities here.10 spots left.
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Cambridge International Piano Festival
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Keen on classical music? Have a spare room in your home? And, would you like to witness the growth of a young pianist? Host a young artist in your home!

Detailed description

We are expecting to have a significant number of students from Asia and the US this April, and recruiting host families for them.

In a fast changing, globalised world, the knowledge of other cultures and customs is crucial. Hosting a young person with such a great talent from another country in your home can be an incredibly eye-opening and enriching experience. If your family is open and eager to learn about another culture, willing to provide a home environment, a bed, a space to live, please get in touch with us!

What we will provide to volunteers

🤝 Extra support

Getting there

Applications Closed You can find other volunteering opportunities here.10 spots left.
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About Cambridge International Piano Festival

We are a company organising the new International Piano Festival&Academy in Cambridge this April.