Volunteer Outdoor Work Parties, Wandlebury, starts Tues 1 October,10.30am-1.30pm
Contact person
Scan me or visit www.volunteercambs.org.uk/o/Cambridge-Past-Present--Future/activities/Volunteer-Outdoor-Work-Parties-Wandlebury-starts-Tues-1-October1030am-130pm/84418 to join
Help care for green spaces and their wildlife. Work parties are on Tuesdays at Wandlebury and Coton during Autumn/Winter. Meet at car park notice boards.Detailed description
Volunteer Work Party Dates 2024/2025
Tuesday 1 October at Wandlebury Country Park
Tuesday 15 October at Wandlebury Country Park
Tuesday 29 October at Wandlebury Country Park
Tuesday 12 November at Wandlebury Country Park
Tuesday 26 November at Wandlebury Country Park
Tuesday 10 December at Wandlebury Country Park
Break for the festive season
Tuesday 7 January at Wandlebury Country Park
Tuesday 21 January at Wandlebury Country Park
Tuesday 4 February at Wandlebury Country Park
Tuesday 18 February at Wandlebury Country Park
Tuesday 4 March at Wandlebury Country Park
Tuesday 18 March at Wandlebury Country Park
Work parties are paused during spring/summer due to the growing/nesting season. Unless stated, all work parties are from 10.30am-1.30pm, although we often carry on longer for those who would like to stay.
All activity will be outdoors. We would recommend that you bring your own work gloves but we will have a supply of gloves which have not been used for at least 72 hours. We are providing a drink but you are welcome to bring your own. We will have hand sanitiser available but we recommend you bring your own.