We're looking for new Lifecraft Trustees

We're looking for new Lifecraft Trustees

Organisation role · 2–3 hrs/month
Bath House, Gwydir St, Cambridge CB1 2LW, UK

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We are looking for a couple of people to join our trustee board. Could your skills and experiences help us?

Detailed description

We’re looking for people with a personal or professional understanding of mental ill-health as well as an interest in making sure that local people have mental health support that’s centred on their needs. Experience of being on a board isn’t necessary.

Our commitment to you

We will support you to understand the role and be a terrific trustee.

Your pledge to us

You will come along to six meetings a year, plus the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and very occasional away days.

You’ll read the papers before meetings (we keep these to a minimum), ask questions and give your opinions.

You’ll demonstrate our values and, when appropriate, advocate for us.

Find out more

More info about the role can be found on the jobs section of our website.

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support

Getting there

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About Lifecraft

We’re here for any adult in Cambridgeshire or Peterborough who needs support with their mental health. Everything we do is created by and with the people who use our services. Together, we help people build confidence, make connections, and get their lives on track.