Lunch Time Help

Lunch Time Help

Organisation role · Flexible hours · Starting from 12 Aug 2024
2 Downing Close, Bottisham, Cambridge, CB25 9DD, United Kingdom
HostingCooking & eatingBefriendingSocial contactEnglish
Community & familyWellbeingOlder people
3 spots left.
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MHA Communities East Cambs
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We'd love some extra help at lunchtimes. Our Lively day groups include a two course lunch. Please join us to make it extra special.

Detailed description

Assisting with Lunch service, from setting the table and serving cold drinks, to serving the meal and clearing afterwards. Enjoying a tea of coffee afterwards with the members is also most welcome.

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support

Getting there

3 spots left.
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About MHA Communities East Cambs

Social Groups and engagement for the over 55's in Cambridgeshire.
Day Groups and Carer Respite including Dementia friendly sessions.