Event Stewards for light art projection evening

Event Stewards for light art projection evening

Event · 5 Mar 2025, 18:00 - 20:00
March Town Hall, 16 Market Pl, March PE15 9JF, UK
Events & festivalCreativePhotography & filmArts & craftsSocial contactMusic
WellbeingCommunity & familyArt & culture

Contact person

Carly RobinsonAsk Carly a question
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MarketPlace CPP
Scan me or visit www.volunteercambs.org.uk/o/MarketPlace-CPP/activities/Event-Stewards-for-light-art-projection-evening/92909 to join


We are looking for volunteer stewards to support our Light Up The Town event in March on the evening of Wednesday 5th March

Detailed description

We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to steward for our temporary light art projection event whilst bringing your local community together.

What you will be doing

  • Stewarding for the event - directing and helping people
  • Talking to, and helping to, facilitate conversations between attendees to foster a sense of community and commonality.
  • Acting as a representative for MarketPlace to promote community connection.

The skills you need

  • Good spoken communication skills and a willingness to start conversations with different people
  • Enthusiasm for the arts and community 

Benefits for you:

  • Excellent experience of working with an arts organisation and within a community project.
  • Insight into light art projection and event management
  • Connect with your local community and learn about working in a creative industry. 

Getting there

Parking available nearby at City Road car park
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About MarketPlace CPP

MarketPlace works with local people to create exciting, innovative and fun creative experiences across Fenland and West Suffolk. We are part of the Creative People and Places programme, developed by Arts Council England with support from National Lottery funds.