Parson Drove and Wisbech St Mary Ward Community Speed Watch

Parson Drove and Wisbech St Mary Ward Community Speed Watch

Task · 0–2 hrs
Flexible location
Community & familyEducationWellbeing
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Parson Drove and Wisbech St Mary Ward Community Speed Watch (CSW)
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If you live in Gorefield, Guyhirn, Murrow, Parson Drove and WSM and are concerned about speeding then we need you to join the established team of volunteers.

Detailed description

We are reliant upon new volunteers joining the scheme for it to remain effective and efficient. The more volunteers we have the more roadside sessions we can hold. Data collected is used to support applications made by the Parish Councils to acquire other traffic calming measures. Facebook page: Parson Drove and Wisbech St Mary Ward Community Speed Watch.

This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About Parson Drove and Wisbech St Mary Ward Community Speed Watch (CSW)

Community Speed Watch is helping to keep the villages of Gorefield, Guyhirn, Murrow, Parson Drove and Wisbech St Mary Safer. We are educational and raise awareness for the speed limit of the road by holding frequent roadside sessions. The scheme is reliant upon new volunteers joining us. Concerned about speeding in any of the villages mentioned then we need you.