Finance Director
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TEOM is looking for a director to join our small team, with responsibility for looking after our finances. The role is unpaid, with opportunity to earn income.Detailed description
At TEOM we believe that most people want to be inclusive and accommodating, and would make positive changes if they knew how. We’re looking for a team member with this same positive outlook, who would find joy in helping us to grow our dream not-for-profit business.
We’re looking for someone to join our team of directors. You don’t have to have been a director before for this role.
All directors’ roles are unpaid but there are opportunities for paid work alongside this.
The hours are very variable, and depend a lot on what you feel able to contribute. At the minimum, we have a director’s meeting at least once every two months (usually more often), and you must come to at least 4 director’s meetings a year. These are usually online, in the early evening.
You would also need to help us with our decisions by following a comms channel (at the moment we use WhatsApp) and contributing your ideas and responses.
The role includes some finance tasks and some general directors tasks.
What we need help with
For the finance part:
- Making sure we comply with all UK law and regulation, especially those about CICs
- Advice on financial structures and good financial administration
- Guidance on financial matters
- Overseeing budgets for the company
- Approving and sometimes paying internal invoices
- Advice on costings and grant application budgets
- Managing payroll
- Auditing our accounts and keeping in contact with our accountant
- Advice on financial tools, programs and banking
- Teaching team members new skills and how to use tools and follow procedures
For the director part:
- Helping TEOM to be successful and sustainable by contributing to financial oversight, strategy and business planning
- Making decisions about the people TEOM employs or who volunteer for TEOM using our policies and values
- Promoting TEOM in networks, in public, and any other opportunities, always remembering our values
- Helping us find funding opportunities and helping with applying for them
- Contributing to developing and reviewing our internal policies and procedures, our overall strategy, and our business plan
- Reflecting on, reviewing and reporting on activities, impact and finance
- Helping us bring in new work and helping us do the work where possible
About you
We welcome applications from people from a wide range of backgrounds, with non-traditional experience, those affected by health, disability and caring responsibilities, and anyone who can demonstrate that they:
- Support our values and ideals
- Have good, relevant financial experience and knowledge
- Are excited by our aims and will experience joy in helping us achieve them.
Your skills:
Communication skills: you need to be able to communicate well with a small team of people with a range of disabilities and neurodiversities
Approach: we’re looking for a creative problem solver
Adaptability: you need to be able to adapt positively to quickly changing opportunities and situations.
Character: you will need to have patience with people who are affected by anxiety or other neurodiverse traits, with a positive ‘can do’ attitude.
Your experience:
You might have experience of working in a finance role in a social enterprise, a charity, a community group, other businesses or schools.
You may have relevant educational qualifications, or experience working or volunteering in finance roles.
Ideally you will have a track record of giving good financial advice to a social enterprise, charity, community group, business or school.
We like to do things differently at TEOM, so if you have any other experiences, skills or qualifications that you think will benefit us that we haven’t thought of, please let us know, we will consider everyone who applies.
Keeping us safe
All potential applicants will be asked to provide some information to help keep us and you safe, including but not limited to:
- An enhanced DBS check, that we will arrange and pay for
- References - we will ask you for two or three references from people who know you well, and we’ll call them for a chat, so please make sure anyone you provide as a reference knows that we will call and ask them questions about you and your experiences
- Telling us about any conflicts of interest, and withdraw from any decision making that might cause a conflict of interest in line with our [draft] Conflict of Interest policy
- Keeping all your communication, social media and personal behaviour in line with our values
What to do if you want to know more, or apply for the role:
We’d love to hear from you if you think this is something worth pursuing. Please fill in our application form at our TEOM website, inside the Get Involved folder.