Beverly's Christmas joy turns into a permanent passion at Wimpole!

Wimpole volunteer Beverly Chilcott joined our team of House volunteers on a temporary basis at Christmas 2023 (as a Christmas Experience Volunteer) and liked it so much she decided to stay.
She says: “In my role as a House Experience Volunteer, I greet visitors and answer any questions. As my knowledge and confidence has grown, I sometimes initiate a conversation if I hear any visitors wondering aloud any aspect of the room I am in.
“In the run up to Christmas last year, I read in my National Trust magazine that volunteers were being recruited for the Christmas period at Wimpole.
"I applied, as I had been considering for some time that I would like to do some sort of voluntary work. I was placed with very experienced volunteers to shadow them and watch how the role was performed. Everyone was very friendly, helpful and welcoming.
“I chose to stay on after Christmas as I really enjoyed my time there and felt sure that with the training I was offered, I could contribute something as a volunteer.
“I feel that my life has been enriched by being part of the ‘Wimpole family’ I had missed having structure and routine in my everyday life. I was looking for somewhere where I could make new friends and maybe learn a new skill. Booking the day and time I wish to spend volunteering is flexible and very easy. I love talking to the visitors and often learn titbits of information about Wimpole from them.
"I feel privileged to occasionally see rooms and areas not opened to the general public. Every time I am there, I learn something new about the history of the people who have owned and lived in the House and add it to my own notes that I have compiled about each of the rooms I volunteer in.
“I would highly recommend it to anyone as I really am enjoying the experience.”
This year the Christmas role has been so popular that we have closed applications. However, we are still looking for House Experience volunteers through the rest of the year.