Soham Community Association

About Soham Community Association

SCA aspires to bring people, groups and businesses of the Parish of Soham together to promote a greater sense of community and pride.. The printing of our bi-monthly ‘Jigsaw’ magazine helps to improve communication and collaboration in our town. We provided this service to residents in the uncertain times of the pandemic - there were many who felt isolated and did not know what was going on in the town. This was especially true for those unable to access the internet. Currently 1250 paper copies are printed for each edition however, we also publish an online ‘flip’ version for those who have got internet access. We have volunteers who deliver the paper magazine, focusing on those who need it most e.g. areas of our town where older people live, and our social housing. We also make it
available to pick up e.g. in shops, Soham Town Council office and the library, so it is accessible to all.
Soham Community Association co-hosts a quarterly Community Lunch which gives local groups and organisations the chance to meet up, share news, information and network. We also help run Soham Repair Cafe which is currently twice a year.
